Pro’s of recruiting service member and veterans: Highly motivated, physically fit, quickly trainable, high pressure decision making,
If your average full-time salary for let us say 10 normal hires in a particular department is 75K a year. What does that break down to monthly? It breaks down to 6,250 a month x 3 months = $18,750. Now we multiply the 3-month total $18,750 x 10(Skillbridge hires) = $187,500 (savings). The company saves roughly $188K by bringing on board 10 Skillbridge hires and then converting them to full-time post internships. Now if that member stays on board the company for at least 12 months, the business also gets a Tax break on top of that. Now let’s say you bring on board 60 Skillbridge throughout the year and convert them, using the same median salary for easy math, that is $1.125M in one year of savings.
Recruiting Veterans and transitioning service members is not charity, it makes good business sense. Let’s look at some of the intangibles service men and women present a profile of individuals who have training in leadership, critical thinking, and are highly collaborative and mission oriented. And they stay. Department of Labor research has shown they have longer retention over their civilian counterparts by on average 3 to 5 years longer.